Rachel Kramer

Rachel Kramer Headshot 2021.png

Number: #24

Nickname: “NASA”

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

High School: The Paideia School

College: Tufts University

Height: 5’4”


PLG: Free-99

An alum of The Paideia School and Tufts University, Rachel “NASA” Kramer brings top-end speed, relentlessly powerful cutting, and devious lefty breaks to the Rising side.

Originally from Atlanta, GA, NASA won gold with Team USA at U24 Worlds in 2018. The 25-year-old has represented Boston Brute Squad, Boston Siege, and Atlanta Outbreak at the club level.

Outside of ultimate, NASA teaches sixth grade.


"As a teacher, I’m working to keep my students engaged and find ways for them to connect with their community, while at the same time trying to get them off their computers. It is clear to me that remote schooling cannot repress the curiosity, drive, and character of my students, and they inspire me each day to rise.

"As a class, we have created a virtual classroom garden in which students have chosen a seed that represents themselves, and they have planted this seed. We are documenting the growth of our garden with weekly blog posts.

"In addition, I took advantage of the shutdown to drive to Atlanta to be with my family. I am grateful for the time I got to spend with them during these uncertain times."


#23 Emily Baecher


#26 Rachael Westgate